很多人都認識 唐納·川普(Donald Trump),他是美國著名企業家、作家、節目主持人,以及第45任總統當選人,為川普集團董事長兼總裁,也是川普娛樂公司的創辦人,在全世界經營房地產、賭場和酒店。
2016年他擊敗主要競爭對手民主黨候選人 希拉蕊·柯林頓(Hillary Clinton) 贏得美國總統選舉後,為他競選奔忙的女兒 伊凡卡·川普(Ivanka Trump) 的知名度也頓時水漲船高,由於她的風采與氣質實在太讓人著迷了,因此小編忍不住花了三天時間將她為父親的演講稿逐一打字記錄下來,希望有一天能夠背起來,這樣日後若有機會跟她成為朋友的話,就有話題可以說囉!(想太多)
一年前 我將即將參選的父親介紹給了大家
One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy.
他用自己的方式 也憑藉他自己的強大意志力
In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will
他犧牲了很多 做為一個政壇局外人參與進來
He sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider,
and he prevailed against a field of 16 very talented competitors
一年多來 唐納德.特朗普一直是人民的擁護者
For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion.
而今晚 他是人民的候選人
And tonight, he is the people’s nominee
Like many of my fellow millennials,
I do not consider myself categorically repubican or democrat.
超越了黨派的限制 我只給我認為適合我家庭和國家的人投票
More than party affiliation, I vote what I believe is right for my family and my country.
有時候 這是一個艱難的選擇
Sometimes, it’s a tough choice.
但是這一次 就不是那樣
That is not the case this time
作為你們提名人的女兒 我感到驕傲
As the proud daught of your nominee,
我在這裡 告訴你們 這一刻終於來了
I am here to tell you that this is the moment
and Donald Trump is the person to make America great again.
幾十年來 我們都還沒見過真正的變革
Real change, the kind we have not seen in decades,
Is only going to come from outside the system,
而且 只可能來自於這麼一個人
and it’s only going to come from a man
這個人 用一輩子做別人不信他能完成的事
who has spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done.
My father is a fighter.
When the primaries got tough
真的激烈 他做了偉大領袖會做的事
–and they were tough–he did what any great leader does.
他苦心鑽研 努力工作
He dug deeper. Worked harder.
變得更好 變得更強
Got better, and became stronger.
I have seen him fight for his family.
I have seen him fight for his employees.
I have seen him fight for his company,
而現在 我見證他在為我們的國家而戰
and now, I am seeing him fight for our country.
it’s been the story of his life, and more recently,
最近 這也成了他競選的精神
the spirit of his campagin.
it’s also prelude to reaching a goal that
一個團結這個黨 這個國家 讓大家明白如何再次勝利
unites this party and better this still, this country, knows what it is like to win again.
即使是個名人 也可能不為人理解
If it’s possible to be famous and yet not really well known,
that describes the father who raised me.
現在 我們在特朗普大廈的同一個辦公室一起工作
In the same office in Trump tower where we now work together,
I remember playing on the floor by my father’s desk,
constructing miniature building with Legos and Erector Sets,
就像他用混凝土 鋼材和玻璃搞建設一樣
while he did the same with concrete, steel, and glass.
我父親教導我的兄弟姊妹和我 正能量和價值觀
My father taught my siblings and me the importance of positive values
and a strong ethical compass.
他向我們展示了 怎樣變得堅韌 如何應對挑戰
He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges,
怎樣在所有事情上 追求卓越
and to strive for excellence in all that we do.
他教我們 如果我們把理想和激情結合起來
He taught us there is nothing we can’t accomplish
保持持久的工作熱情 沒有甚麼我們不能實現
if we marry vision and passion, with an enduring work ethic.
我父親最大的才能 是他能看到別人的潛能
One of my father’s greatest talents is his ability to see potential in people,
before they see it in themselves.
我們長大的過程中 也是如此
It was like that for us, too, growing up.
他教導我們 人的潛力 不加上努力 就會消失的無影無蹤
He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort,
和他一樣 我們每個人都有責任 不只是為自己而工作
and like him, we each had a responsibility to work not just for ourselves,
but for the betterment of the world around us.
多年來 在不計其數的場合中
Over the years, on too many occasions to count,
我看見我的父親 把報紙上行別人的故事 裁剪下來
I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about prople
那些人 他從來沒見過 但是面對著不公或困難的
whom he had never met who were facing some injustice or hardship
他會用標誌性的黑色簽字筆 給助手寫下紀錄
He’d write a note to his assistant in his signature black, felt-tip pen,
命令找到那些人 並邀請他們到特朗普大廈與他見面
and request that the person be found, and invited to Trump tower to meet with him.
他會和他們面談 並利用他的廣泛的交際圈
He would talk to them, and draw upon his extensive network
給他們找工作 或幫助他們度過難關
to find them a job, or get them a break.
And they would leave his office,
as people so often do after meeting with Donald Trump,
that life could be great again.
在我的一生中 我親眼目睹他
Throughout my entire life, I have witnessed his empathy
and generosity toward other, especially those who are suffering.
這就是他在你有難處時 支持你的方式
It is just his way of being in your corner when you are down.
My father not only has the strength and ability necessary
任職成為我們下一任總統 他也有善良和同情心
to be our next president, but also the kindness and compassion
that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs.
我父親有正義感 影響了他的每次決定
My father has a sense a fairness that touches every conviction he’s hold.
現在 我已經和他一起在川普集團工作了十多年
I’ve worked alongside him for more than a decade now in the Trump organization,
我已經見證 他如何當領導
and I’ve seen how he operates as a leader,
做出改變人生 改變事業的重要決定
making important decisions that shape careers and change lives.
在他身邊從事建築業工作 我學到了很多
I’ve learned a lot about the world from working construction jobs by his side.
管理得當 建築工地 是真正的唯才是舉
When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies.
建築行業 競爭激烈
Cpmpetence in the building trades is easy to spot,
無能之輩 無處躲藏
and incompetence is impossible to hide.
建築工地 也是令人難以置信的熔爐
These sites are also incredible melting pots
gathering people from all walks of life gathering
團結一致 完成一個任務
and uniting them to work toward a single mission.
There have always been men of all backgrounds.
and ethnicities on my father’s job sites,
而且在女性工作司空見慣之前 公司裡就能見到女性
and long before it was commonplace, you also saw women.
我的父親 重視人才
My father values talents.
在遇到真正的知識和技能時 他能識別出來
He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it.
他不認種族 不認性別
He is colorblind and gender neutral.
他只雇用最好的人選 就這樣
He hires the best person for the job, period.
言論和承諾 不管他們怎麼聽起來多麼有遠見 只會帶你到此
Words and promises, no matter how visionary they sound, will only get you so far.
在我們這個行業 除非你建了一個樓 否則你就不是"建設者"
In our business, you’re not a builder unless you’ve got a building to show for it.
或者 像我父親那樣 改變城市天際線
Or, in my father’s case, city skylines.
大多數人 他們的一輩子 爭取在一個事業上取得成功
Most people strive their entire lives to achieve complete success in a single industry.
我的父親已經在眾多事業領域內 達到全球最高水平
My father has successed in many on the highest level and on global scale.
One of the resons he has thrived as an entrepreneur
is because he listens to everyone.

億萬富翁高管 通常不諮詢
Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people
一線員工 對工作的意見
doing the work for their opinion of the work.
My father is an exception.
他的每一 個項目中 你會看到他找樓管
On everyone of his projects, you’ll see him talking to the super,
畫家 工程師 電工來交談
the painter, the engineers, the electricians.
He’ll ask them for their feedback,
問問他們認為 哪些事情應該換個做法 或者可以做得更好
if they think something should be done differently or could be done better.
當唐納德.特朗普作主 最重要的是能力 努力 精益求精
When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence.
This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization.
在我父親的公司 高管中的女性 比男性更多
At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives.
Women are paid equally for the work
我們做的是 當一個女人成為母親 他得到支持 而不是被拒之門外
that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.
Women represent 46 percent of the total US labor force
40%美國家庭中 女性是主要的經濟支柱
and 40 percent of American households have females primary breadwinners.
2014年 女性員工的工資 只是同樣工作男性的83%
In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man.
沒有孩子單身女性 能掙到
Single women without children earned 94 cents
每個男人爭到的錢94% 而已婚的母親 只掙到77%
for each dollar earned by a man, whereas married mothers only made 77 cents.
研究人員已注意到 性別不再是因素
As researchers have noted, gender is no longer the factor
在這個國家 做母親導致最大的工資差異
creating the biggest wage discrepancy in this country — motherhood is.
作為總統 我的父親將修改 勞動法
As president, my father will change the labor laws
that were put in place at a time
when women were not a significant portion of the workforce,
他將致力於 為所有人提供 平價的高質量托兒服務
and he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.
作為一個母親 我自己有三個年幼的孩子
As a mother myself of three young children,
我知道 一邊上班 一邊養育家庭 是多麼不容易
I know how hard it is to work while raising a family,
我也知道 我比大多人幸運多了
and I also know that I am far more fortunate than most.
美國的家庭 需要救濟
American families need relief.
使婦女兒童茁壯成長的政策 不應該是新東西
Policies that allow women with children to thrive ahould not be novelties;
they should be the norm.
Politicans talk about wage equality,
但我的父親 在他的整個職業生涯 卻使他的公司始終那麼去做了
but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career.
He will fight for equal pay, for eaual work,
我也會在他身邊 為此鬥爭
and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him.
今天的美國人 需要的經濟 使得人們再次提升
Americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again.
特朗普總統 將扭轉經濟
A Trump presidency will turn the economy around
and restore the great American tradition of
讓每個新一代 比那些之前的一代
giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities
than those of the generation that came before.
In Donald Trump, you have a candidate
他知道 想要甚麼事 和做成這件事之間的差異
who knows the difference between wanting something done and making it happen.
當我父親說 他將建一個大廈 關注城市天際線
When my father says that he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline.
一層一層 造出一飛衝天的大樓
Floor by floor a soaring structure will appear,
通常在高動上 或其設計的標誌上 創造紀錄
usually record-setting in its height and iconic in its design.
真實的人 被雇來作實事
Real people are hired to do real work.
願景 成為現實
Vision becomes reality.
當我父親說 他將使美國再次偉大的 他說到做到
When my father says that he will make American great again, he will deliver.
我們有機會 在今年奪回我們的遺產
We have a chance this year to reclam our heritage
做夢想遠大 讓不可能的事實現的國家
as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen.
幸運的是 唐納德.特朗普不會格局太小
Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small.
當我還是個孩子時 我父親總是告訴我:"伊萬卡
When I was a child, my father always told me “Ivanka,
反正你要夢想 那就目光遠大
if you’re gonna be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.
“做為總統 我的父親 會採取大膽的和有價值的戰鬥
" As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fight.
他將不再害怕 樹立遠大目標
He will be unafraid to set lofty goals
and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.
對各地的美國人 我要說:如果有我的父親支持你們
To people all over American, I say: when you have my father in your corner,
你們將永遠不會再擔心 會失望
you will never again have to worrry about being let down.
他會每一次 一直為你而戰
He will fight for you all the time, all the way, every time.